Cohen Curtis Vocational Program Manager
Cohen is a program manager for the logistics and apartment maintenance technician program with Mass Liberation. He has been heavily involved in re-entry Integrated Services going on 7 years. Before joining Mass Liberation, he led a team of five as the Lead Community Health Worker at St. John’s Community Health Clinic. He was an Administration Assistant for Heidi Rummel at USC School of Gould Post Justice Conviction Projects. At USC, he was a keynote speaker; sharing his first hand experiences as someone who became incarcerated at the age of seven. While working at USC he also worked at Human Rights Watch, co-facilitating workshops for parole hearings, mock hearings, and support groups within prison. Cohen plans in the future to have an educational organization in creating culturally responsive learning environments that engage and inspire African American/ Black youth. Lastly, to prepare and develop the youth, rooted in their history, who make better choices and demonstrate achievement gains as they prepare to succeed in college, career, and community.